About Us

Meet Our Team

Our Mission

We are passionate about uncovering relatively low risk yet high return passive income niche opportunities which are also uncorrelated to market swings and typically unheard of in the mainstream media. This has allowed us to achieve a lifestyle of pursuing what we love with our time, and we hope to help anyone interested to achieve the same – pursue your dreams without having to worry about finances!

Cindy Shen

Cindy Shen

CEO, Founder

Cindy has a finance background and has chosen to specialize in passive income in order to live a lifestyle with financial, time and location freedom (which was accomplished in her 30s).

She has since helped educate hundreds of people on passive income, resulting in over 100M capital deployed in this niche vertical. She shares her knowledge on several social media platforms with about 20k followers consisting of fans/lenders/investors. Legal Lending is her favorite passive income strategy, and she has a substantial position in this product. This is how she generates most of her passive income to cover living expenses while pursuing her hobbies (such as travel and arts). In her spare time, she likes to continue to search for niche and alternative ways to generate passive income that no one hears about in the mainstream media.

To see other passive income streams that she has got going, check out ……

Shirley Ma

Shirley Ma

Operations Manager

Shirley Ma, a passionate operational manager, initially pursued a major in Media and Marketing, specializing in web design and operational matters. Transitioning into the technology sector, she has honed her skills in business management and development. Currently excelling in delivering high-quality solutions for diverse industries through collaborative teamwork, Shirley brings a unique blend of creative and technical expertise to her projects. With a Bachelor’s in Media and Marketing, she offers a distinctive perspective that enriches her team’s approach. Shirley has led successful projects resulting in tangible efficiency gains, such as a web-based inventory management system. Fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese, she excels in fostering effective communication across multicultural environments.

Sarah Xiang

Sarah Xiang

Executive Assistant

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